The LER Legislation (LER 2.0)
We at Leif Koch A/S can easily help map your cables and pipes with our GPS equipment. In this way, you get a better overview of your infrastructure, and you avoid any fines.
LER stands for the line owner register, and lays down a number of rules that all line owners must comply with. Among other things. all data must be registered on an online platform so that it can be available within 2 hours.
The law finally enters into force on 30 June 2023, with a three-year transition phase until then. This means that e.g. each water utility must know exactly where all its pipes are located and report them. This can be an unmanageable and difficult job, especially for smaller waterworks, which are often run by volunteers.
However, Leif Koch A/S has the expertise to help you.
We can e.g. help in connection with leak or cable search
Kill two birds with one stone and get GPS data measured for LER.2.0 when we are out at your place anyway for leak detection! We have GPS equipment in the car, so we can easily and quickly measure data for LER. In this way, you save the costs of driving, and you give yourself and others a better overview of where the pipes are.
We can also help you get a complete LER strategy in place
It can be confusing and difficult to familiarize yourself with the LER legislation, which will affect all pipe owners in Denmark. On the other hand, the LER legislation has the potential to make the water industry's work easier with quick access to data. We can help you create a strategy on how exactly you can reach the goal with the data measurement.
Write us an email at or call us for a non-binding conversation.
Read more about the LER legislation here:
Front page -
The LER Act (